The Little Adam 10" - Balance bike for toddlers
The Little Adam 10" - Balance bike for toddlers
The Little Adam 10" - Balance bike for toddlers
The Little Adam 10" - Balance bike for toddlers
The Little Adam 10" - Balance bike for toddlers

The Little Adam 10" - Balance bike for toddlers

Preço promocionalDhs. 800.00

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Apenas 1 unidade disponível
Retirada disponível em IN-STORE Normalmente pronto em 24 horas

The Little Adam 10" - Balance bike for toddlers



Disponível para retirada, normalmente pronto em 24 horas

Jumeirah Golf Estate, RETAIL CENTER
Dubai DU
Emirados Árabes Unidos


Our goal is to offer the best looking products. However, sale items may have minor scratches.*

This is our biggest balance bike for toddlers to practice their balance before upgrading to a pedal bike. You can add trainer wheels for your little one to learn how to cycle safely.

This children's bike is available in three colours with a beautiful matte finish and can be customised with our selection of bicycle accessorie